Our Last Meeting

The South Arkansas Writers met at 2 PM on Sunday, 21 July 2024 at Main Street Pizza in El Dorado. Present were Jack and Janet Ryan, Marilyn Joyner, Rick Vosper, DesireƩ Stipp-Bethune, and Simeon Stipp-Bethune.

Our next meeting will be at 2 PM on 18 August at Main Street Pizza.

News: Marilyn got an Honorable Mention for her poem, “A Happy Time," in the June PRA Contest.

Writing from Prompts: DesireĆ© read her story, “Conversion”, Marilyn read her poem, “Determined”, and Janet read her poem, “Free Fall”.

Prompts for our next meeting include: 1) “Getting a refund” (more or less from Writers Digest), 2) “An unexpected question”, 3) “Getting a book about writing prompts,” or 4) “Something to do with writing prompts”, and 5) (as always)... "Anything You Want."

We critiqued Rick’s Chapter 16 from “Requiem for a McGuffin,” Simeon’s western story “The Lawmakers,” and Janet’s genealogical story “Richard Sperry of New Haven Colony.” They all generated a lot of discussion and suggestions.

If anyone has something to be critiqued, a news item, another prompt for our next meeting, or would like to present a short “program” on something that you think would be of interest to us all, you can email me at jackwryan@gmail.com

See you in August. Stay Safe.

Page updated: 23 July 2024
Page created: 15 January 2019