Geography and Astrography E - F

Stars, planets, satellites and places on them:

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El Dorado: The city on the planet Patience where the spaceport was located. It was named for the city in Arkansas on Earth where the Warren Ark was headquartered.

Far Eire: Planetary destination of the starship Newton (Raptors of the Depths)

Fohia: Home planet of the Fohen people. Fohia is a planet similar in size to Earth which  revolves around a star similar in size to our sun in a time which is similar to our year. The planet rotates in a time similar to a terrestrial day. The skies on Fohia are perpetually cloudy. All the Fohen can see during daytime is a "Daily Glare."

Click on this link for information about the Fohen Calendar.

Click on this link for information about the Fohen Day.

The political units of Fohia are as follows:

County: The smallest units of varying size determined largely by the geography of an area or ease of communications. They are reminiscent of the counties of midwestern and southern American states. Counties contain villages and cities of varying size interspersed with rural areas.

Prefecture: A union of Counties, reminiscent of midwestern and southern American states.

Nation/Country: A union of Prefectures

Fohen Commonwealth: The planet wide union of all Fohen nations.

Page updated: 23 March 2020
Page created: 19 January 2012